The excitement surrounding Salman Khan's upcoming film Sikandar continues to build, as intriguing behind-the-scenes details emerge from the film’s shoot at the Falaknuma Palace in Hyderabad. During the shoot, a Rolls Royce Phantom was brought onto set. However, it was the custom number plate on the car that caught everyone's attention. The plate featured a royal logo and the number "GJ-03," which signifies Rajkot city, adding a subtle nod to the iconic city of Gujarat.
This quirky detail was just one of the many aspects that have kept fans on their toes, eagerly awaiting Salman Khan’s return to theatres next year. With Sikandar, directed by A.R. Murugadoss, promising to showcase the action-packed side of the Bollywood superstar, there is a lot of anticipation surrounding the film. The director is reportedly going all out to give fans a thrilling experience, with an emphasis on extensive action sequences. Police Cars in Sikandar: A Nod to Rajkot Further adding to the unique details of the shoot, police cars featuring the same “GJ-03” number plate were used during the shoot at Falaknuma. Interestingly, the text written on the cars was in Gujarati, with the police logo displayed prominently on the sides and the words "રાજકોટ પોલીસ" (Rajkot Police) written on the car bonnets. Massive Action Sequences Planned for Sikandar As Sikandar moves from its Hyderabad shoot to Mumbai, sources close to the project have revealed exciting details about the action sequences planned for the film. A special train sequence is expected to be one of the major highlights, with an elaborate set constructed at a Borivali studio in suburban Mumbai. According to a Mid-Day report, the scene will involve raw, gritty action, where Salman Khan’s character faces off against a gang of criminals.
A source mentioned, “The scale of this scene is massive. It involves raw, gritty action as Salman’s character is seen taking on a gang of baddies. The director’s brief to the action choreographer was to make it bloody and vengeful.” The intense sequence was filmed with a small crowd of just 30 people, and the next day, Murugadoss filmed a crowd-heavy action scene with approximately 350 people.
Also Read: Salman Khan to shoot a ‘bloody’ and ‘vengeful’ train action sequence for Sikandar: Report
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